Hi, I am Rahul Maurya

front-end|Python|ML Enthuisast


What I do

Design + Development

Learn + Apply I am learning and taking my skills level up by applying hands on it and working on side projects ( Which includes Machine learning, Data Science, Web Crawling ). I believe that learning is a never-ending process. Also I solve kaggle problem on weekly basis. Currently working on problem solving abitlity.


I create small projects using (HTML + CSS + JAVASCRIPT(react)) to brush up my skills. You can see my work on my github account.

My Work

Who I am

Web developer

I am an react enthusiast.


Working on my development skills and getting comfortable in it.And I am working on some real world problems.So that I can get some hands on experience on real life problems.And to understand how things work and how we solve the particular problem with different approaches. And to generating thought process to approach any problems.


picture of creator

My Work

A selection of my range of work is in

Under Construction